
WUD!; Would U Do It!

AI-driven gamified healthcare solution for preventive care for children & adolescents

Obesity Care (Available in Korea)
Google Play App Store
Mind Care (Available in Singapore as the test flight)
Google Play App Store

Why WUD! works

Online Early Identification to
Offline Early Intervention

WUD! predicts health change and provides personalized management based on time-series daily record, for the early identification of the symptoms.

At the same time, it provides the data report with notifications to caregivers, for the early intervention with the offline treatment from the community.

WUD! Is a preventive healthcare solution for child and adolescent in daily life.

Online Early Identification to Offline Early Intervention

Digital Transformation with
Data Technology Engagement

WUD! applies Gamification to encourage the sustainable engagement from users and Digital-transformed Therapeutics to enhance the health condition of users, hence we keep acquiring personal health record day after day.

With acquired time-series data, WUD! applies AI(deep learning based framework) to predict the change, provide personalized for each users, and report to caregivers.

Digital Transformation with Data Technology Engagement

What WUD! works for

Mind Care with
Digital Transformation of Therapy

WUD! manages child mental health focusing on emotional stability and stress relief via eye movements and mood tracking for preventive care.

The service has adopted actual therapy techniques, mainly eye movement tracking, and various IT technologies for data-driven management & treatment.

Mind Care App

Obesity Care with Prediction
on Personal Health Record

WUD! operates child obesity care service focusing on daily personal health records on activity, sleep, nutrition, and metabolism.

The service went through 3 PoC(Proof-of-Concept)s and 2 clinical researches, being used in schools nationwide and has partnered up with a local government program in Korea.

Obesity Care App

How WUD! looks

Mind Care

WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe

Mind Care Service; WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe

[injewelme Official] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe

Mind Care Service; WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe
[injewelme Official] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe

YouTubeWatch on YouTube

[Intro] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe for Mind Care

[injewelme Official] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe for Mind Care (English)

[Intro] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe for Mind Care
[injewelme Official] WUD! Welcome to Board Game Cafe for Mind Care (English)

YouTubeWatch on YouTube

Child Users
Daily Mood Tracking
  • - Monitoring on the mood of a day on a daily basis
  • - Baseline to understand the emotional state of user
  • - Critical factor to prevent the instability onset
Daily Mood Tracking Image
Gamified Therapeutics
  • - Gamified content to improve the mental stability
  • - Management on Stress, Trauma, & Attention Deficit
  • - Boost up the Concentration & Intellectual Abilities
Gamified Therapeutics Image
Virtual Friend Conversation
  • - Increasing the attachment to the service & character
  • - Communication to discover the unrevealed factors
  • - Inquires on the personal interest and concern
Virtual Friend Conversation Image
Caregiver Users
Visualized Report on Mind State
  • - Consolidated report on the track record of user engagement
  • - Critical factors to monitor the emotional state of user in daily life
  • - Data-driven notification to prevent the onset of mental health deterioration
Visualized Report on Mind State Image

Obesity Care


Child Users
Obesity Care App for Child User
Real-time LifeLog from Mobile
  • - Acceleration·Gyroscope·GPS sensors for daily lifelog collection
  • - Analysis on sleeping patterns and living habits by mobile usage
IoT for Detailed Activity Analysis
  • - Analysis on daily activity data and offering personalized exercise goal
  • - Samsung Health partnership + sync to Google Fit & Apple Health
Obesity Care App for Child User
Self-Motivation by Gamification
  • - Benefits from mission completion related to activity·sleep·nutrition
  • - Character customization, item collection, matches with friends, etc.
Vision AI for Nutriture Analysis
  • - Easy and quick record of daily meals via cameras on mobile
  • - Analysis on daily meals and offering personalized meal plans
Friendly Competition by Rank & Guild System
  • - Guild for sense of belonging & ranking for competitive spirit
  • - Not only extra goals but additional achievement as a team
Caregiver Users
Obesity Care App for Caregiver Users
Signals on Status of Activity·Nutriture·Sleep
  • - Current state and history of data record on activity·sleep·nutrition
  • - Curation of B2B partners and medical experts in case of emergency
Healthcare Goal by AI Prediction
  • - Personalized goal & care plan by big data analysis and AI prediction
  • - Offering two options; weight management & growth management
Series of Columns by Experts in the Field
  • - Serialized columns from professions of various fields
  • - Focusing on not only health but also diverse subjects on family life
Obesity Care App for Caregiver Users
Data Quality Index by App Usage
  • - Level of accuracy of AI analysis and prediction for their kids’ health
  • - Status of quantity & quality of given data on activity·sleep·nutrition
Exclusive Offers from B2B Partners
  • - Members only online store with special price from B2B partners
  • - A few good items selected by users poll from reliable brands only

Would U Do It Now?

Then Would U Do It!
Obesity Care (Available in Korea)
Google Play App Store
Mind Care (Available in Singapore as the test flight)
Google Play App Store